
Applications for students requesting admission to PCRHS must be turned in a minimum of one week before the next quarter begins. Applications should be turned in earlier to receive the best chance for admittance into the classes a student needs.

Below is the 2024 - 2025 application.

PCRHS Student Application 2024_2025.pdf

Applications must be accompanied by transcripts from the student's current/past school. Once PCR has received a complete application (with transcripts), an admission interview will be scheduled. For students currently receiving special education services, an IEP meeting will likely be necessary.

Application Deadlines 2024 - 2025

Quarter 1 Admittance: August 21, 2024
Quarter 2 Admittance: October 28, 2024
Quarter 3 Admittance: January 21, 2025
Quarter 4 Admittance: March 31, 2025