School-Wide Title I Information

School-Wide Title I Information

Paradise Creek Regional High School (PCRHS) provides School-wide 
Title I-A services. Title I is a federally funded program designed to help ensure that all students have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments, regardless of socioeconomic status. Funding allocations are based on poverty levels. Title I funding enables the district to provide additional instructional staff, supplies and materials, technology, and professional development to help raise student achievement in targeted schools.

As a Schoolwide Title I school, all students at Paradise Creek Regional High School in need of extra reading, writing, and math support are offered this opportunity through the Title I teacher and staff.

The items listed below are many of the efforts we make to keep families connected with all happenings at PCRHS. 


Family Engagement Plan
This plan is developed collaboratively with our PCRHS families to ensure we are able to provide all that is needed to keep families informed of their student's learning as well as have access to all needed resources to promote academic success. 

PCRHS Family Involvement Plan.pdf

School-Parent Compact
This compact is developed collaboratively with our PCRHS families to lay out the three essential roles of success at PCRHS.  These roles are school, parent/guardian, and student.  The signature page below is signed and submitted each school year by all PCRHS families. 

PCRHS Title I School_Parent Compact.pdf

School-Wide Improvement Plan & Title I Plan Review
The School-Wide Improvement Plan (SWIP) was developed collaboratively with PCRHS families to target and develop goals concerning areas needing support within the school's curriculum and instructional plans.  The Title I Plan Review is conducted annually to measure success toward the identified goals, student performance, and parent survey data.  

PCRHS School-Wide Improvement Plan 2022.pdf